a list of questions for no one to answer.

november 24, 2018 — 12:15 am.

what were you in love with?

was it my words?

oceans wash the night’s array

displayed fragrance of petals washing ashore

quietly; pausing by your feet

stare at them, smile, and feel it against you

is that what you wanted?

was it my actions?

discharged lover walks amongst the streets

a treasure buried deep within their fragile faces

places a guiding hand; follow me

stare at them, smile, and feel your empathy

is that what you wanted?

was it my love?

thick thistles lay waste around the dried grass

fastening tightly to all its got; roses sprout

and they neither leave nor die, simply grows and stays

stare at them, smile, and feel the passion

is that what you wanted?

was it me?

libraries, galleries, and concert venues

aligns caffeine with nicotine and too much care

a robin in the air; the bloom dawns to michael

stare at them, smile, and feel the memorable

is that what you wanted?

or was it the idea of us?

crush; stay up for the sunrise after watching the sunset

hands locked longer than destiny becoming eternity

lips, touches, loves, and roses

— stare at them — stare at them — stare at them —

is that what you wanted?

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